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B is for Blog


Blog is short for Web Log; the short term is now over a decade old (it was coined in 1999) and as such, I would argue that most people are familiar with it by now. The first blogs existed as html files or as logs of information but are now non-coders can have one up and running inside an hour: just add content!

With services like Blogger, Wordpress.com, and even Tumblr, it’s easy to set up a blog with no overhead and even integrate it with your existing website. If your website is built using a content management system (CMS) like Wordpress or Drupal, you have a built-in capacity for blogging ready to go.

Why should you blog? To build conversations; to engage with the reader; to share thoughts, information or knowledge. You should blog if you have something to say. Business blogs should be related to your business in some way -- this does not mean post after post of product promotions but rather value-added information or discussions. Don't start a blog "because everyone else has one" or because someone told you it was critical. It's not. A blog is a communication tool that, like all social media, requires regular care and feeding.

The best blogs keep it REAL:

Regular content
Try to publish regularly, aim for a set number of posts and if possible regular days (you can use scheduling to space out your posts if you want to write them all in one sitting or write a few ahead of regular publishing days).
Engaged with readers
(a) make it easy for readers to find you and comment; if you don’t have blog comments enabled (and you should), make sure you have an email address for contact. (b) reply to your readers! Even a simple “thanks for reading” lets the reader know that you are engaged and paying attention.
Added value
Infographics, free e-books, calendar pages, and other incentives keep readers coming back. Contests may work in some markets, too.
Light mood
Above all, keep it light and friendly! Readers will not come back if your blog is too often negative or angry (there are a few notable exceptions to this rule but they are few and far between).

This article is one of a series of The A to Z of Tech by Those DeWolfes Creative. Read the rest at ThoseDeWolfes.com.

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